Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Ashley Judd and Jane Eyre shawl envy.

have you seen Jane Eyre?
there's a whole lotta hoopla
about that shawl in the
knitter ranks.
i'm having a go of it
using this 
here is my
let's not talk about
my yarn choice
the stripes, i'm not digging
right now.

Also, all the rage
Ashley Judd's shawl
in the
Who Do You Think You Are?
see it here

this shawl I want
you have to see the whole
thing to appreciate it.
brilliant ravelers are
feverishly working to
come up with
a workable pattern

happy stitches,


  1. Thanks for the comment! I saw your name as 'Ruby's Upcycle Designs' with a tm, is that new? i know random, just wondering :)

  2. I'm going to have to check that out. I wanted to go see Jane Eyre, but would you believe it wasn't playing in our area? What's with that? I'm going to have to wait for it on Netflix. Now I really want to see it, I hadn't "heard" about the shawl. Just saw your list of blogs and found mine there. How sweet. With our move, I haven't been knitting in ages. Hopefully one of these days will get back to normal. But, it does look like we have a lot of the same favorite blogs. Several of yours are not in my blog roll, but I read all the time. Again, thanks for visiting and commenting. I hope you have a great week!


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